How to Become a Licensed Security Guard in Denver: A Complete Guide

An Guide For Requirements To Become A Licensed Security Guard In Denver

Embarking on a career as a security guard in Denver is a process that demands meticulous attention to both legal and practical requirements. The city’s unique regulations necessitate a thorough preparation strategy, ensuring prospective security guards are well-equipped to uphold public safety with professionalism and competence. This enhanced guide delves deeper into the step-by-step process, offering additional clarity and details to assist you in navigating the pathway to becoming a licensed security guard in Denver.

Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Licensed Security Guard in Denver

Step 1: Familiarize Yourself with Legal Requirements

  • Begin by thoroughly understanding the specific legal framework governing security guards in Denver, as stipulated in Denver’s Municipal Code, Article V. This includes the licensing prerequisites set forth by Ordinance No. 1177-17, effective since June 1, 2018, which mandates licensure for anyone aspiring to work as a security guard within the city. Applicants must be at least 18 years old to apply.

Step 2: Obtain a Letter of Hire

  • A critical initial step is securing a letter of hire from a Denver-licensed private security employer. This letter is a prerequisite for the licensing process, evidencing your prospective employment and the employer’s intention to hire you upon successful license acquisition.

Step 3: Mandatory Security Guard Training

  • Enroll in our comprehensive security guard training program that covers at least 16 hours of instruction. Our program should be completed within 60 days before submitting your license application. The curriculum encompasses the fundamentals of security work such as duties, effective communication, interaction with law enforcement, and the principles of use of force among other vital skills.

Step 4: Undergo a Background Check

  • A pivotal requirement is the submission to a national criminal history records check conducted by the FBI, which remains valid for 60 days. This background check is an essential step, ensuring that candidates meet the high standards required for public safety roles. The check can be completed at any authorized Colorado Fingerprinting location.

Step 5: Obtain a Work Clearance Physical

  • Secure a work clearance physical from a licensed physician, registered nurse, or physician assistant. This must be done within 60 days of applying for your license and serves to confirm that you are physically and mentally fit to perform the duties of a security guard without compromising any person’s health, welfare, or safety.

Step 6: Firearms Endorsement (If Required)

  • For positions requiring the carrying of a firearm, you must obtain a special endorsement. This involves additional training and proficiency demonstration in firearms use, with a minimum requirement of 5 hours of classroom instruction and 3 hours of range time. Applicants must be 21 or older for this endorsement and achieve at least an 80% score on the firearm qualification test.

Step 7: Prepare Required Documentation and Photo

  • Assemble all necessary documentation, including a detailed work history and background affidavit, along with a firearms endorsement request if applicable. A clear headshot photo is required for identification purposes, alongside a valid form of ID. These documents are crucial for the application process and must be meticulously prepared.

Step 8: Submit Your License Application

  • With all prerequisites met and documentation prepared, proceed to submit your security guard license application through the Denver Department of Excise and Licenses. The application must be comprehensive, including the letter of hire, all required paperwork, and a $50.00 licensing fee. The processing time ranges from 5 to 30 business days, after which your security license will be emailed, and your badge mailed to you.

Step 9: Uniforms and Badges Compliance

  • Ensure compliance with Denver’s regulations regarding security guard uniforms and badges. These items must be distinct and approved by the Denver Department of Excise and Licenses to prevent confusion with law enforcement personnel. It is mandatory to wear the approved badge and carry the license while on duty.

Step 10: License Maintenance and Renewal

  • Denver mandates annual renewal of the security guard license, which involves an updated CBI background check, verification of ongoing employment through a letter of hire and a letter of firearm endorsement request. Renewal also requires an 8-hour security guard course and, for those with a firearms endorsement, annual firearms training and qualification. The renewal fee is $25.00.

Achieving and maintaining licensure as a security guard in Denver is a detailed but rewarding process. It not only ensures that all security personnel meet the city’s high standards of training and integrity but also prepares you for a vital role in community safety and protection. Our organization is dedicated to supporting prospective security guards through every phase of training and certification. For those seeking the mandatory 16-hour class or specialized firearms training, our certified trainers are equipped to provide the necessary knowledge and skills.

By following these detailed steps and meeting all of Denver’s specific requirements, you will be well on your way to a fulfilling career as a licensed security guard, contributing significantly to the safety and security of the public.

For those in need of the mandatory 16-hour class or specialized firearms training, please contact Mark at 720-924-6654 or via email at Our training programs are designed to fully prepare you for your responsibilities as a licensed security guard in Denver, ensuring you contribute effectively to public safety and security.

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