How To Survive A Terrorist Attack Or An Active Shooter Situation

In today’s unpredictable world, the skills and knowledge needed to survive not just an active shooter situation but also a terrorist attack require more than the cursory safety briefings that have become commonplace in many workplaces. True preparedness transcends the limitations of a brief PowerPoint presentation or a basic concealed carry weapon (CCW) class. It demands a commitment to a more profound and comprehensive approach to personal safety—a commitment that is particularly vital for those without formal training in law enforcement, military service, or regular self-defense practices.

This article is tailored for the everyday individual—the person who has decided to take the safety of themselves and their loved ones into their own hands, recognizing that in moments of crisis, the cavalry may not always be on the horizon. Aware that most do not have the luxury of dedicating copious amounts of time to training each week, our aim is to provide practical, accessible advice that can help anyone incrementally train, educate, and prepare themselves to face and survive not only active shooter scenarios but also the dire realities of terrorist attacks.

You, the reader, may be navigating this terrain for the first time, and our goal is to equip you with knowledge and strategies that can seamlessly integrate into your daily life. By combining expert insights, actionable tips, and a realistic approach to developing vital skills, this guide endeavors to pave the way toward a more prepared, aware, and resilient stance against threats we all hope never to encounter.

This article has been inspired by witnessing and reflecting upon numerous distressing events over my lifetime. My first stark realization of the critical nature of personal preparedness came during my middle school years, following the Columbine High School massacre. At the time, the approach of law enforcement to such unprecedented violence was largely reactive, with protocols emphasizing containment over immediate intervention. This strategy meant surrounding the location and waiting for specialized units, such as SWAT, to arrive and take action.

In the years that followed, although tactical doctrines have evolved to advocate for the immediate engagement of threats, the tragic events at Uvalde, Texas, served as a harrowing reminder of the complexities and challenges in real-world responses. Despite the presence of 370 law enforcement officers, decisive action was critically delayed, underscoring that in moments of crisis, the most immediate and sometimes most effective responder is oneself.

Moreover, my resolve to address this critical issue has been reinforced by a comprehensive examination of numerous other tragic events that have occurred globally. From the harrowing 2004 Beslan school siege in Russia, to the profound impact of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the 2007 Virginia Tech shooting, the 2012 Aurora movie theater shooting, the 2021 Boulder supermarket attack, the Club Q shooting in Colorado Springs, the October attacks in Israel, and more recently, the assaults in Moscow, Russia, these incidents span a range of motives, tactics, and settings, yet the common thread is the element of surprise and the profound impact on communities.

The litany of tragic events, including the Las Vegas shooting, the Orlando nightclub massacre, the Sutherland Springs church shooting, the incomprehensible tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary, the Fort Hood shooting, and the Parkland High School shooting, each contribute to a mosaic of violence that spans the spectrum of American life. These incidents underscore the harsh reality that violence knows no boundaries—geographical, social, or emotional.

Drawing lessons from these diverse tragedies, this article aims to distill practical advice that transcends specific scenarios, focusing on universal principles of awareness, readiness, and resilience. In doing so, it seeks to empower readers not with a sense of fear, but with the knowledge and confidence to act decisively in the face of danger, reinforcing the notion that, amidst the unpredictability of such threats, preparedness can make a critical difference.

Committing to Preparedness: The First Step Towards Safety

The journey to enhancing your safety in the face of terrorist attacks and active shooter situations begins with a pivotal decision: the commitment to be prepared. This is not a half-hearted endeavor; it demands your full attention, time, and effort. The reality is stark—half measures won’t suffice when lives are at stake. Preparing yourself to face such dire circumstances involves both mental and physical training, as well as a fundamental shift in your everyday mindset.

In a world where many drift through public spaces in a state of distraction, often buried in their smartphones or lost in thought, the first step towards readiness is breaking free from this pattern of behavior. The common scene of people moving about as “walking zombies” highlights a widespread lack of situational awareness, a critical vulnerability in emergency situations.

To rise above this state, it’s essential to abandon the notion of “it will never happen to me.” Such denial only serves to hinder your preparedness and leaves you vulnerable in the face of potential danger. Instead, cultivating a heightened state of awareness and engagement with your surroundings can significantly improve your ability to react effectively in a crisis.

Moreover, this commitment to preparedness is not just about adopting a defensive posture against potential threats. It’s also an opportunity to enhance your personal development, to become a better version of yourself. This entails not only being alert and ready to respond to immediate threats but also engaging more fully with the world around you, enriching your life and those of others in the process.

By dedicating yourself to this path, you’re not just preparing to survive; you’re choosing to live more intentionally and resiliently. The journey towards preparedness is as much about building a stronger, more aware individual as it is about mastering specific survival tactics. In embracing this holistic approach, you fortify not only your capacity to face extreme situations but also your overall quality of life.

Involving Your Family: A Unified Approach to Preparedness

After dedicating yourself to mental and physical preparedness, extending this commitment to include your family is a critical next step. The realization that you will not always be there to protect them underscores the importance of involving your loved ones in the planning and training processes. Preparedness is a shared responsibility, and ensuring that each family member is mentally and physically fit and knowledgeable about your emergency plans is essential for collective safety.

Start by having open and honest discussions with your family about the importance of being prepared for emergency situations, including terrorist attacks and active shooter scenarios. These conversations should be age-appropriate and focused on empowerment rather than instilling fear. The goal is to foster a mindset within your family that, while you hope never to face such situations, you are all prepared to respond effectively if necessary.

Involve your family in every aspect of the preparedness process—from developing emergency plans and escape routes for your home to participating in physical fitness activities together. This can include family walks or bike rides, attending self-defense classes, or even planning healthy meals together. Engaging in these activities as a family not only improves your collective preparedness but also strengthens your bonds and communication.

Moreover, ensure that each family member understands their role in an emergency, including how to contact each other if separated and where to meet if evacuation is necessary. Practice your emergency plans regularly, making adjustments as needed based on feedback from each family member.

Remember, the aim is to empower your family to feel confident and prepared to act, even in your absence. By involving them as much as you are in the preparation process, you build a resilient family unit capable of facing challenges together. This collective approach not only enhances the safety of each family member but also contributes to a sense of security and well-being that extends beyond emergency situations.

Establishing a Family Communication Plan and Meet-Up Protocols

In the event of an emergency, having a pre-established communication plan and designated meet-up spots is crucial for ensuring the safety and reunification of your family. This plan should account for various scenarios, including those where standard communication methods, like cell phones, might be unavailable.

  • Code Words: Develop code words that only your family knows. These can indicate specific types of emergencies, convey safe or danger statuses, or instruct family members to move to a predetermined location. These codes can provide a quick and discreet way to communicate complex information.
  • Designated Meet-Up Areas: Choose several meet-up spots both close to home and further away, considering different situations like natural disasters, fires, or situations where returning home isn’t safe. These locations should be easily accessible to all family members and familiar to everyone.
  • Alternate Communication Methods: In cases where cell phone coverage is compromised, have alternative means of communication. Consider using text messages, which can often get through even when voice calls cannot, or use social media and email as backups. Additionally, establish a contact who lives out of town that can serve as a central point of communication among family members.
  • Regular Drills and Updates: Practice your communication plan and meet-up protocols regularly to ensure everyone remembers what to do. As family members grow, or if you move to a new area, update your plans and practice again.
  • Emergency Information Cards: Each family member should carry an emergency information card listing all family contact numbers, medical information, and meet-up locations. In situations where digital communication is not an option, these cards can be invaluable.

A well-thought-out communication plan, complemented by clear meet-up spots and practiced regularly, can significantly reduce confusion and panic during emergencies. It ensures that, even when separated, family members have a clear understanding of how to reconnect and support each other. This planning is not just about logistics; it’s about providing peace of mind and a sense of security that, in times of crisis, your family has a plan to come back together safely.

Cultivating a Clear Mind: The Foundation of Preparedness

Once you’ve made the commitment to be prepared, the next essential step is achieving mental clarity. In an age dominated by digital distractions, it’s easy to lose hours scrolling through social media platforms like TikTok or Snapchat. However, true preparedness requires a mind that is focused, calm, and resilient. Dedicating time to pursuits outside the digital realm can significantly enhance your mental strength and clarity.

Putting down your phone and engaging in activities that nourish your mind is not just a break from the digital noise; it’s a step towards building a robust mental foundation. Whether it’s immersing yourself in a good book, practicing meditation, engaging in yoga, or joining a community group like a chess or shooting club, these activities foster a strong, focused mind essential for navigating stressful situations.

Moreover, turning off the TV and investing time in meaningful conversations with family, friends, and neighbors can profoundly impact your mental health. These interactions not only strengthen your social connections but also enhance your ability to communicate and work with others—a critical skill in any crisis situation.

In my opinion, nurturing your mental health is the first and most crucial step in your preparedness journey. A clear and strong mind is the cornerstone of resilience, enabling you to respond to emergencies with calmness and decisiveness. By prioritizing activities that contribute to your mental well-being, you’re not only preparing yourself for potential threats but also improving your overall quality of life.

Engaging in these practices lays a solid foundation for the next phases of preparedness, where physical readiness and tactical knowledge come into play. However, without a clear and strong mind, even the most physically prepared individual can find themselves overwhelmed in a crisis. Thus, as we build upon our preparedness strategies, remember that mental clarity and strength are the bedrock upon which all else stands.

Enhancing Physical Fitness: A Pillar of Survival Preparedness

Following the establishment of a clear and strong mindset, the next crucial step on your journey to preparedness is improving your physical fitness. Surprisingly, one of the simplest yet most effective strategies to enhance your fitness begins with your diet. Making small, sustainable changes in what you consume can have profound effects on your physical health and, by extension, your ability to respond in a crisis.

Consider substituting sugary sodas with water or tea and choosing healthier dining options over fast food. Opt for meals from local sandwich shops, Japanese, Mediterranean, Mexican grills, or any establishment offering balanced, nutritious options. These choices not only aid in weight management but also contribute to overall vitality. Reducing your intake of sugar and salt is another straightforward adjustment that can significantly benefit your physical well-being.

However, dietary changes alone are not sufficient. Committing to a regular exercise regimen is essential. Aim to visit the gym or engage in physical activity at least three times a week. The goal is to build a body that is agile, strong, and capable of enduring the physical demands of a crisis situation. Whether it’s running, lifting weights, or participating in fitness classes, finding an activity that you enjoy and can consistently engage in is key.

It’s a stark reality that in the face of a terrorist or active shooter situation, physical fitness can significantly influence your ability to survive. Being in good physical condition enhances your ability to run, hide, or fight if necessary. It’s not about achieving perfection or adhering to unrealistic beauty standards but about cultivating a body that is prepared and resilient.

Physical fitness, much like mental preparedness, is not solely for the purpose of crisis management. It’s about improving your quality of life, enhancing your health, and ensuring that you can confidently handle the challenges of everyday life, as well as those extreme situations we all hope never to encounter.

As we continue to build our preparedness toolkit, remember that physical fitness is a critical component that works hand in hand with mental clarity and tactical knowledge. Together, these elements form a comprehensive approach to personal safety and preparedness, empowering you to face the uncertainties of the world with confidence and strength.

Mastering Self-Defense: Empowering Yourself for Protection

A pivotal component of being thoroughly prepared for any emergency, including terrorist attacks and active shooter situations, is the ability to defend yourself. Acquiring skills in a martial art is not just about learning to fight; it’s about developing confidence, awareness, and the capability to protect oneself and others in critical situations. While there are numerous martial arts disciplines to choose from, each offers unique benefits that can contribute to your overall preparedness.

I personally advocate for Krav Maga due to its focus on real-world situations and practical self-defense techniques. Krav Maga encompasses a broad range of skills, including strikes, kicks, grappling, and even weapon disarming, making it particularly relevant for personal safety in unpredictable scenarios. However, other martial arts such as boxing, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, wrestling, and karate also provide valuable skills that enhance your ability to respond to threats effectively.

Committing to regular training, ideally on a weekly basis, is crucial for building and maintaining these self-defense skills. Consistent practice ensures that your techniques remain sharp and that you are physically conditioned to employ them if necessary. More than just physical techniques, martial arts training also cultivates mental resilience, situational awareness, and the strategic thinking needed to assess and respond to threats swiftly.

Learning self-defense is a key aspect of preparedness that extends beyond personal safety. It empowers you to take control in situations where you or those around you are in danger, potentially saving lives. Whether it’s neutralizing a threat until law enforcement arrives or escaping a dangerous situation, the skills gained from martial arts training are invaluable components of your preparedness toolkit.

As with all aspects of preparedness, the goal of learning self-defense is not to instill fear but to empower you with the knowledge and skills to protect yourself and your loved ones. By incorporating self-defense training into your preparedness plan, you enhance your overall resilience and readiness to face whatever challenges may arise.

Obtaining a Concealed Handgun Permit: Arming Yourself Responsibly

An integral part of your personal safety and preparedness plan may involve the decision to carry a firearm. In many states, citizens have the option to obtain a concealed handgun permit, which legally authorizes them to carry a concealed firearm for self-defense. Some states have even adopted permitless carry laws, further broadening individuals’ rights to carry firearms without a permit under specific circumstances.

If you’re considering this step, it’s crucial to approach it with the utmost responsibility and diligence. Obtaining a concealed handgun permit involves more than just the legal right to carry a firearm; it requires a comprehensive understanding of firearm safety, operation, and the ethical considerations of using lethal force in defense of oneself or others.

Before pursuing a concealed handgun permit, thoroughly research the requirements and regulations in your state. This often includes completing a firearm safety course, which is not just a legal hoop to jump through but an invaluable opportunity to gain essential knowledge and skills. Such courses cover a range of topics, including safe handling and storage of firearms, understanding state laws regarding self-defense, and the practical aspects of carrying and potentially using a firearm in a self-defense scenario.

Remember, carrying a firearm comes with significant moral and legal responsibilities. It’s vital to continue practicing and training regularly, not only to maintain proficiency with your firearm but also to ensure you remain aware of the legal and ethical implications of carrying and potentially using it in defense.

Choosing to incorporate a firearm into your personal safety plan is a personal decision that requires careful consideration and ongoing commitment to responsible ownership and use. For those who take this step, it becomes an additional component of their preparedness toolkit, intended to enhance their safety and that of their loved ones in scenarios where every second counts.

Comprehensive Firearms Training: Building Your Skills

After obtaining your concealed handgun permit, the immediate next step is to seek out comprehensive firearms training. The journey begins with a basic pistol class, an essential foundation that covers everything from firearms safety to marksmanship. These classes are designed to familiarize you with the functionality of your firearm, types of ammunition, loading techniques, and maintenance practices.

The NRA offers a structured pathway to build upon this foundation with courses like Basic Pistol, Personal Protection Inside the Home, and Personal Protection Outside the Home. These programs provide a thorough grounding in defensive shooting principles and tactics relevant to various scenarios. For those looking to advance their skills further, the NRA Defense Pistol course delves into more complex techniques, including pistol drawing, emergency reloads, magazine exchanges, and clearing stoppages.

However, learning these skills once is not enough. Firearms proficiency is a perishable skill set that requires regular practice to maintain. I recommend shooting on the range at least on a bi-weekly basis as a minimum to keep your skills sharp. Membership in a range or a private gun club can offer the consistent practice environment necessary for this. Additionally, engaging in IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association) competition shooting can be an excellent way to not only hone advanced pistol skills but also incorporate physical activity into your training regimen.

Through structured training and regular practice, you will build the confidence and proficiency needed to handle your firearm safely and effectively in a defensive situation. This step is vital in ensuring that if ever faced with a threat, you are well-prepared to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Practicing the Color Codes of Situational Awareness

A fundamental aspect of personal safety and preparedness is situational awareness, a skill that can significantly enhance your ability to detect and respond to potential threats before they escalate. The Color Codes of Awareness, developed by Col. Jeff Cooper, offer a simple yet effective framework to gauge and adjust your level of awareness based on your environment. These codes range from White, representing a state of unawareness, through Yellow and Orange, indicating increasing levels of alertness, to Red, the stage of action.

  • White (Unaware): In Condition White, you are oblivious to your surroundings. This state should be avoided as much as possible outside of the safety of your home.
  • Yellow (Aware): Condition Yellow is a relaxed alert. There is no specific threat, but you are aware of your environment and prepared to act if necessary.
  • Orange (Heightened Awareness): In Condition Orange, you have identified something of interest that may or may not pose a threat. Your focus narrows on assessing the potential threat.
  • Red (Action): Condition Red is when the threat is confirmed, and you must take action. This could mean escaping, hiding, or defending yourself.

Practicing these Color Codes of Awareness should become a natural part of your daily life. Whether you’re dining at your local restaurant, attending a public event, or simply going to the movies, maintaining a level of awareness (ideally Yellow) ensures that you’re never completely caught off guard. Transitioning to Orange allows you to prepare mentally for potential actions if a threat appears, and ultimately, if necessary, to Red where you take decisive action to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Incorporating these Color Codes into your routine enhances your situational awareness, making it second nature to assess and react to your surroundings effectively. This practice not only improves your personal safety but also contributes to the safety of those around you, creating a more alert and prepared community.

Implementing the OODA Loop in Crisis Situations

In moments of crisis, the conventional advice often given to civilians is to “Run, Hide, Fight.” While this guidance is straightforward, there’s a more dynamic and strategic doctrine borrowed from military practice that can be highly effective in life-threatening situations: the OODA Loop. Developed by military strategist John Boyd, the OODA Loop stands for Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act. This cycle is designed to break down the decision-making process into steps that can help you gain the upper hand in an unpredictable situation.

  • Observe: Pay attention to your surroundings and gather all relevant information. This means noticing exits, potential threats, and any factors that could influence your next steps.
  • Orient: Analyze the information you’ve observed. This involves understanding the context of the situation, the behavior of the threat, and assessing your capabilities and limitations.
  • Decide: Choose the best course of action based on your observations and orientation. This could involve escaping the area, finding a place to hide, or preparing to defend yourself.
  • Act: Execute the decision you’ve made as efficiently as possible. After acting, you return to the observation phase to assess the outcome of your actions and decide on the next steps if necessary.

The key advantage of the OODA Loop is its emphasis on fluidity and adaptability, allowing you to continuously assess and respond to the situation as it evolves. This process is designed to help you avoid freezing during a crisis, a common response that can be detrimental in life-threatening scenarios. The OODA Loop’s effectiveness has been proven in military contexts and can be equally valuable for civilians seeking to navigate emergency situations successfully.

Practicing the OODA Loop in your daily life can enhance your ability to think clearly under pressure, making it a vital component of your overall preparedness strategy. By adopting this approach, you can improve your chances of making fast, effective decisions that could save your life and the lives of those around you.

Enhancing the OODA Loop with Surprise, Speed, and Violence of Action

To maximize the effectiveness of the OODA Loop in life-threatening situations, integrating the elements of surprise, speed, and violence of action is essential. These principles, often utilized in military and law enforcement strategies, are designed to disorient and overpower an adversary, drastically reducing their ability to respond effectively.

  • Surprise: This element involves using the unexpected to your advantage, disrupting the adversary’s thought process and decision-making cycle. In the context of the OODA Loop, leveraging surprise means acting in a way that is not anticipated by your aggressor, thereby gaining a critical advantage.
  • Speed: Speed, in this context, refers to the rapid execution of decisions. It’s about transitioning through the OODA Loop faster than your adversary can comprehend, leaving them unable to react in time. By moving quickly from observation to action, you can maintain the initiative and control over the situation.
  • Violence of Action: This principle is about applying overwhelming force at the decisive moment to neutralize a threat effectively. It’s not just physical force but the intensity and decisiveness of your actions. In a self-defense scenario, violence of action ensures that you commit fully to your chosen course of action, leaving the adversary with no opportunity to counteract.

When integrated into the OODA Loop, these elements create a formidable strategy that can significantly increase your chances of prevailing in a confrontation. By surprising your adversary, moving swiftly, and applying decisive force, you can disrupt their ability to process and react to the situation, effectively neutralizing the threat.

It’s important to note that these principles should be employed judiciously and in strict adherence to ethical and legal standards of self-defense. The aim is not to glorify violence but to provide individuals with the tools and mindset needed to protect themselves and others in extreme situations.

By practicing and incorporating surprise, speed, and violence of action into your preparedness training, you enhance your ability to respond to threats with confidence and effectiveness, making these principles a crucial addition to your personal safety toolkit.

Engaging with Your Community: Building Collective Safety

After fortifying personal and family preparedness, extending your efforts to include your neighbors can amplify the safety and security of your entire community. Forming or joining a neighborhood watch program is a foundational step in creating a network of vigilant, informed, and connected residents who can act cohesively in times of crisis.

Beyond observation and reporting, communities might consider more structured defense strategies, especially in areas where response times from emergency services could be delayed due to geography or other factors. The effectiveness of such community-based defense groups was notably demonstrated during the LA riots in the 1990s, where the proactive stance of the Korean community in protecting their neighborhoods served as a powerful example of collective resilience.

Conversely, the tragic outcomes of the October attacks near the Gaza border highlight the potential costs of being unprepared. Those incidents underscore the critical importance of not only individual and family preparedness but also of having a community-wide plan that includes training in self-defense, emergency medical response, and coordinated communication strategies.

In conclusion, the path to ensuring one’s safety and the safety of those around us in the face of terrorism, active shooter situations, or any crisis, requires a commitment to ongoing education, training, and community engagement. It demands a vigilant, proactive mindset that eschews passivity in favor of active participation in one’s own defense and the defense of others. As we look back on the insights shared in this guide, let us move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and a clear vision of the steps necessary to cultivate a safer, more prepared future for ourselves and our communities. The responsibility lies with each of us to not only adopt these principles but to advocate for their adoption by others, creating a widespread culture of preparedness and resilience that can withstand the trials of our times.

For those motivated to take the next step in their journey towards safety and preparedness, especially in the realm of responsible firearm handling and defense, we invite you to reach out to us. Whether you’re beginning your journey with basic pistol training or looking to advance your skills through specialized courses, our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive, safety-focused training that empowers you to protect yourself and your loved ones effectively. Contact us to learn more about our firearms training programs, and take the first step towards becoming a confident, responsible armed citizen. Together, we can build a foundation of knowledge, skill, and preparedness that makes our communities safer for everyone.